- trisicell.datasets.sublines_bwes()[source]
Trisicell sublines bWES data.
The size is n_sublines × n_muts = 24 × 6653
- Returns
An anndata in which
contains information about the mutations..layers['trisicell_input']
the binary input genotype matrix used asinput to the Trisicell.
the binary input genotype matrix inferred byTrisicell-boost(SCITE).
noisy genotype matrix, 0: reference, 1: heterozygous2: unknown and 3: homozygous_alt.
number of mutant reads..layers['total']
number of total reads.
- Return type
>>> adata = tsc.datasets.sublines_bwes() >>> adata AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 24 × 6653 var: 'kind', 'amino_acid_change', 'ensemble', 'gene', 'chrom', 'position', ... layers: 'genotype', 'mutant', 'total', 'trisicell_input', 'trisicell_output'