Source code for

import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import Image, display

import trisicell as tsc
from import (

[docs]def clonal_tree( tree, muts_as_number=False, cells_as_number=False, show_id=False, cell_info=None, output_file=None, color_attr=None, dpi=150, ): """Draw the tree in clonal format. This functions plots the tree in which edges are mutations and nodes are cells. Parameters ---------- tree : :class:`networkx.DiGraph` The input tree. muts_as_number : :obj:`bool`, optional Change the mutation list to a number at edges, by default False cells_as_number : :obj:`bool`, optional Change the cell list to a number at edges, by default False show_id : :obj:`bool`, optional Whether to show IDs of nodes and edges or not, by default True cell_info : :class:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional Information of cells for coloring the nodes by a pie chart, by default None output_file : :obj:`str`, optional Path to a file for saving the tree in, by default None color_attr : :obj:`str`, optional Attributes in the `cell_info` dataframe for coloring the nodes, by default None dpi : :obj:`int`, optional Resolution of rendered figures – this influences the size of figures in notebooks, by default 150 Returns ------- :obj:`None` """ _, graphviz_is_not_imporeted = tsc.ul.import_graphviz() if graphviz_is_not_imporeted: tsc.logg.error("Unable to import a package!") tc = tree.copy() root = tsc.ul.root_id(tree) tc.nodes[root]["label"] = "root" tc.nodes[root]["fontname"] = "Helvetica" tc.nodes[root]["style"] = "rounded" tc.nodes[root]["shape"] = "box" tc.nodes[root]["margin"] = 0.05 tc.nodes[root]["pad"] = 0 tc.nodes[root]["width"] = 0 tc.nodes[root]["height"] = 0 if muts_as_number: for u, v, label in"label"): if label == "": ll = [] else: ll = label.split(tc.graph["splitter_mut"]) tc.add_edge(u, v, label=f" {len(ll)} ") if cells_as_number: for n in tc.nodes: if n != root: ll = tc.nodes[n]["label"].split(tc.graph["splitter_cell"]) tc.nodes[n]["label"] = f"{len(ll)}" if cell_info is not None: tc.nodes[root]["label"] = tree.graph["splitter_cell"].join( tc.graph["normal_cells"] ) mapping = cell_info[color_attr].to_dict() for node in tc: num = 0 paths = nx.shortest_path(tc, source=root, target=node) for i in range(len(paths) - 1): x = paths[i] y = paths[i + 1] num += len(tc[x][y]["label"].split(tc.graph["splitter_mut"])) try: freq = [ mapping[x] for x in tc.nodes[node]["label"].split(tc.graph["splitter_cell"]) ] except Exception: freq = ["#FFFFFF"] freq = pd.DataFrame(freq)[0].value_counts(normalize=True) fillcolor = "" for index, value in freq.items(): fillcolor += f"{index};{value}:" tc.nodes[node]["fontsize"] = 14 tc.nodes[node]["shape"] = "circle" tc.nodes[node]["fontname"] = "Helvetica" tc.nodes[node]["style"] = "wedged" tc.nodes[node]["margin"] = 0.05 tc.nodes[node]["pad"] = 0 if "––" in tc.nodes[node]["label"]: tc.nodes[node]["width"] = 0 tc.nodes[node]["height"] = 0 else: tc.nodes[node]["width"] = 0.8 tc.nodes[node]["height"] = 0.8 tc.nodes[node]["fillcolor"] = fillcolor # "red;0.3:green;0.6:orange" tc.nodes[node]["label"] = len( tc.nodes[node]["label"].split(tc.graph["splitter_cell"]) ) tc.nodes[node]["fontcolor"] = "white" tc.nodes[node]["color"] = "gray" if show_id: for u, v, label in"label"): tc.add_edge(u, v, label=label + f"\n[{v}]") tc.nodes[v]["label"] = tc.nodes[v]["label"] + f"\n[{v}]" tc.graph["graph"] = {"fontname": "Helvetica"} tc.graph["node"] = {"fontname": "Helvetica", "fontsize": 14} tc.graph["edge"] = {"fontname": "Helvetica", "fontsize": 14} tree.graph["type"] = "clonal" cell_list, mutation_list = _clonal_cell_mutation_list(tree) tree.graph["cell_list"] = cell_list tree.graph["mutation_list"] = mutation_list if output_file is not None:, output_file, dpi) return display( Image(nx.drawing.nx_pydot.to_pydot(tc).create_png(), embed=True, retina=True) )
[docs]def dendro_tree( tree, width=1200, height=500, dpi=300, cell_info=None, label_color="group_color", line_size=0.4, tiplab_size=2.5, inner_node_type="nmuts", inner_node_size=2, distance_labels_to_bottom=4, annotation=None, output_file=None, ): """Draw the tree in dendro fromat. Parameters ---------- tree : :class:`networkx.DiGraph` The input tree. width : :obj:`int`, optional Width of the figure, by default 8 height : :obj:`int`, optional Height of the figure, by default 3 dpi : :obj:`int`, optional The resolution, by default 300 cell_info : :class:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional Information about cells such as color, expression values of genes and etc, by default None label_color : :obj:`str`, optional The column name in which colors of cells are stored in the dataframe provided as `cell_info`, by default "group_color" line_size : :obj:`float`, optional Line size of the tree, by default 0.4 tiplab_size : :obj:`float`, optional Cell name size in the tree, by default 2.5 inner_node_type : :obj:`str`, optional The format of the inner nodes (i.e. mutations), by default "nmuts" Values are: - `nmuts`: only number of mutations - `nodeid`: only node id - `both`: both number of mutations and node id inner_node_size : :obj:`int`, optional Size of the inner nodes (i.e. mutations), by default 2 distance_labels_to_bottom : :obj:`int`, optional Distance cell names to the bottom of the figure, by default 4 annotation : :obj:`list`, optional List of gene names provided in the column dataframe of ``cell_info`` in to be annotated in the bottom of the tree, by default [] output_file : :obj:`str`, optional Path to a file for saving the tree in, by default None Returns ------- :obj:`None` Note ---- The cell names in the tree must be identical to the index of `cell_info` dataframe if it was provided. """ if annotation is None: annotation = [] if inner_node_type.lower() not in ["nmuts", "nodeid", "both"]: tsc.logg.error("Wrong `inner_node_type` choice!") ggtree, ggtree_is_not_imported = tsc.ul.import_rpy2( "ggtree", "devtools::install_github(c('YuLab-SMU/ggtree','xiangpin/ggtreeExtra'" + ",'YuLab-SMU/aplot'))\ninstall.packages('cowplot')\n", ) if ggtree_is_not_imported: tsc.logg.error("Unable to import a package!") import rpy2.robjects as ro from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri from rpy2.robjects.lib import grdevices from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr newick, info2, mutation_list = _newick_info2_mutation_list(tree) tree.graph["mutation_list"] = mutation_list.set_index("index") tree.graph["newick"] = newick tree.graph["type"] = "dendro" importr("ggplot2") importr("cowplot") importr("ggtree") importr("ape") importr("aplot") with ro.conversion.localconverter(ro.default_converter + pandas2ri.converter): if cell_info is not None: if "group_color" not in cell_info.columns: cell_info["group_color"] = tree.graph["data"].shape[0] * ["#000000"] cell_info_r = ro.conversion.py2rpy(cell_info.reset_index()) else: cell_info_r = ro.conversion.py2rpy( pd.DataFrame.from_dict( { "x": tree.graph["data"].index, "group_color": tree.graph["data"].shape[0] * ["#000000"], } ) ) ro.globalenv["info1"] = cell_info_r info2_r = ro.conversion.py2rpy(info2) ro.globalenv["info2"] = info2_r cmd = _get_tree( newick, line_size, label_color, tiplab_size, inner_node_type, inner_node_size, distance_labels_to_bottom, ) for i, ann in enumerate(annotation): if i == 0: cmd += "info1$id_index <- p$data[match(info1[,1], p$data$label),]$y" if ann[0] == "bar": cmd += _add_barplot(ann[1], ann[2], ann[3]) elif ann == "chrom": cmd += _add_chromplot() elif ann == "imputation": for imp in [ ("f_0_1", "f_0_1_color"), ("f_1_0", "f_1_0_color"), ("f_3_0", "f_3_0_color"), ("f_3_1", "f_3_1_color"), ]: cmd += _add_barplot(imp[0], imp[1]) with grdevices.render_to_bytesio( grdevices.png, width=width, height=height, res=dpi ) as image: p = ro.r(cmd) if output_file is not None: ro.r.ggsave( plot=p, filename=output_file, width=width / dpi, height=height / dpi, units="in", dpi=dpi, limitsize=False, ) return display(Image(image.getvalue(), embed=True, retina=True))